Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Project2: model

This photo was taken with the water at the top of the model

The light at the end of the building
There is water fall running across the roof at the end. The water makes the light spread over the area and make the room look like glowing itself as well as softer the strong light. as clean mind is represented by relax and peaceful so I used the softer light to make people feel more relax and comfortable.

The long and thin skylight create a number of strip line on the wall which make the room more complex. the visitor will be dazzled by the strip line which create the sense of confusion

The small skylights at the beginning limit the amount of light to enter the building. As I want to create the space which is more protective from the surrounding environment so people can’t view outside through those skylights because they are too small. They can only see the light coming through.

The begining is dark than the end of the building
As she moves along, she will experience different kind of light. Direct light and soft light as well as the small skylight which allow small amount of light to pass trough and a very glass roof where there is the water fall run across it.

The lights that pass through each opening also create the different feeling. As the woman enters the building, she will be in very dark condition. There is no any opening at the beginning of the tunnel.


The floor is raised with different high to create the difficulty for the visitor as they are moving through the space. The ceiling also give the sense of compression as it is only 2 meter high but the size and the height of the ceiling get bigger at each section.

the whole view of the building

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